Fact is that life, work and a large dollop of demotivation have all got in the way over the last ... I don't believe it - NEARLY TWO YEARS. All my legions of readers would without a doubt have deserted me by now, so it's lucky that I didn't have legions of readers. Sort of.

Enter Covid19. Just over a week into lockdown, I'm bored with scouring Bandcamp and I've catalogued my entire CD collection on Discogs. I've got no work, or any sign of getting any in the near future, and all the gigs I had lined up over the next few months have been pulled.
I've even been unceremoniously relieved of all the voluntary website management I was doing for a local club, which will remain nameless, so how else am I going to fill the hours I normally spend slumped in front of a keyboard?
So ... loads of gigs under the bridge and a small fortune wisely invested in shiny plastic discs later, I'm taking to the Blogosphere once more. Standby for more hugely subjective gig and album reviews, random musings and anything else I feel like throwing out there.
Wondered where you'd been, dude. Seriuosly, not the best time to pick up blogging bout live jazz tho.